This is a device designed specially to facilitate
learning for visually impaired people as well as for
those who are hearing and speech impaired, It can also
be used to teach children of tribal and backward areas.
As it involves physical accessories, it becomes easy
for them to learn things by touching and feeling them.

Product/project registered under Student start-up innovation programme (SSIP), Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Anand, Gujarat,India.
Visually impaired, hearing impaired and speech impaired persons now have help in hand by way of a novel device NSP Device. The device has been developed by Mr.Shreelal Jha, Self Financed R & D and Consultancy Center for Impaired (SFRCI),Department of Physics, Sardar Patel University, Anand, Gujarat, India. In our country around 2.78% people are not able to speak properly. Such people find it difficult to communicate with other people. They sense a gap of communication while interacting with other people, due to which they are not able to express their emotions and feelings openly. So the proposed idea is to develop a device called as NSP assistive system for blind, deaf and dumb people. This project tries to solve various problems faced by
blind, deaf and dumb people. The main idea of this project is to somehow reduce the barrier in learning process from primary stage. To minimize this barrier, the proposed device teaches the different students with image, video and voice so they can be understand batter and rapidly grasping
While other companies mass-produce their products overseas and only manufacture the most profitable items, but we believe in quality. Because of our production methods and
philosophy, the cost of manufacturing and adapting relatively small quantities of toy and devices at our V.U.Nagar headquarters can be high. We also realize that when you
buy our products you are making a significant investment. So, here’s what we pledge in return: Enabling Devices will produce high quality products, manufactured in V.U.Nagar
by our own highly trained and highly dedicated technicians. When they malfunction, we will do our best to repair them or we will replace them. Additionally, we are committed
to providing guidance, advice, personalized instruction and service to our customers.We welcome your calls, emails, questions, concerns and feedback and as always, we are
supremely grateful for the opportunity to serve you.
Enabling Devices specializes in creating customized one-of-a-kind assistive technology devices to meet the unique needs of our customers. Do you, your student, client, or
family member have a specific need but can’t find the right product? Call our product development team us, we may be able to work with you to design just the right item!
STUDENTS There are many teaching strategies you can use to ensure effective and productive learning environments and experiences for all students, including
those with disabilities. Accessible Education is the process of designing courses and developing a teaching style to meet the needs of people who have a variety
of backgrounds, abilities and learning styles. Just as there is no single way to teach, people learn in a variety of ways; using different instructional methods will
help meet the needs of the greatest number of learners.Device will work on objection detection technology. Our device will be similar to
laptop in shape and will have detection platform (at a place of keyboard) where visually impaired (V.I) student will put object on platform and information of that
object will be provided by audio output of device along with an information available on video form in display of device, this helps V.I student to get
information easily and they can actually feel that how object is in real.
Visually impaired Students
Visually impaired Students
Hearing & Speech impaired students
Hearing & Speech impaired students
Tribal Students
Tribal Students
NSP Benefits
- Easy to teach student
- Customize library
- Language selection mode
- Easy to setup
- Teacher productivity Increase
- To give more attention in class room
- Information available in Voice and Writing format